MMA Diet

Posted: October 25, 2008 in 1

Diet and nutrition are extremely important in our lives, none more so than the competing athlete. It’s true that proper nutrition plays a vital role for the athlete for better performance and recovery, but having the best training program in the world and the best conditioning protocols comes second to correctly prescribed dietary requirements.

Keeping the athletes blood sugar levels in check is a constant battle. The athletes blood sugar levels are as individual to him/her as human fingerprints.

If blood sugar levels are not kept in check then the pancreas will deliver an insulin response, resulting in lowering of the athletes blood sugar level. As a consequence this will make the athlete reach for sugary foods for satisfaction. Adipose tissue will not be utilized as fuel and storage of fat will increase. If reducing adipose tissue is the goal without reducing muscle mass then this is vital to keep in check.

If you are guilty of consuming breads and wheat based produces, you may need to start thinking about substituting them for nonstarchy foods.

Wheat is the quickest grain to enter the bloodstream. So if you are consuming wheat in large quantities, less face it wheat is in many packaged and processed foods, you may find it better to start changing your foods to whole-grain products. Whole-grain doesn’t have the fast absorption rate as wheat and can keep insulin response to a minimum.

A good idea is to consume breads made from splet flour, ezekiel or manna breads. These have the same quality’s of wheat when baking but don’t have the same effect on blood sugar levels. Remember they all get converted into sugar, but it’s the conversion rate that is important, so consume them sparingly.

Here is a recipe i use for my clients when making breads.

500g/1LB Spelt flour

1xtbsp honey

1xtbsp cold pressed virgin olive oil

pinch salt

100g Chopped raisins

1xtsp yeast

In a mixing bowel add the flour, salt, raisins and yeast. Disolve the honey in 400ml of warm water. Pour this into the bowel. Add the olive oil and knead untill all flour and ingredients are mixed together. Put into a baking tray and cover and place in a warm fan oven for approx 20min. Remove the cover and plave in an oven @ 200oc for 40-45min.

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