Marathon Training – Session 2

Posted: January 4, 2010 in 1

First post of the new year and feeling a little down. Not that Xmas is over but I tried a longer run on New Years Eve of 8 miles and didn’t complete it to the standard I thought I would.

After arriving at my brothers in Nottingham I planned an 8 mile run through the villages and along the River Trent. The morning was cold, icy and very fresh but clear. A head wind of around 2 miles an hour, perfect for an hours run.

I planned the route via gmaps and thought I could make it. I commenced the run and after several miles I had to do a number of turns along the route. I managed to run in the wrong direction and after approximately 1 mile I realised my mistake and this effected my concentration and focus.

I decided to turn back. Not knowing the distance that I had already covered I approximated that I did around 6 miles. Not the distance that I had hoped for. Castigating myself along the way back I stopped and walked for about 2 min which further infuriated me. I am not as focused and mentally tough as I thought I was.

So, a valuable lesson learned. Plan better and focus on smaller runs in between long ones. I also think that over the festive period the food and alcohol, although not large quantities, had its toll.

After a great 6 mile run on Xmas day I thought that I was onto better things, but I need to up the training if I want to complete the Marathon in a respectable time.

Early run tomorrow lets hope I do better.

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