Paul Fallows Personal Trainer North London

I started off as the bog standard Personal Trainer in an Essex gym. Unhappy with the ‘pack ’em in metallity’ and the corporate disinterest in members long term health and development, I decided to focus upon getting my clients real value for money.
Tired of the mundane and stale gym environment that so many people have come to relie upon as a place to get ‘fit’. I started my own business 5 years ago. Still Personal Training in North London I have localised my business around Muswell Hill, Highgate, Hampstead and Swiss Cottage.
My client base around North London is wide and varied. Clients such as the general public, Royal Marines, Muay Thai, Krav Maga and MMA Fighters have all benefited from my experience and knowledge.
Personal Training has always been a love of mine but Training Fighters is my main passion. Strength and conditioning is my specialty and currently I’m working in conjunction with KO Gym North London where I’m the resident Personal Trainer and Strength and Conditioning Coach for KO fighters. I’m currently training Piotor Kusmierz and Arnold Oborotov for competitions in November 2008.
I use several methods during my Personal Training and Strength & Conditioning sessions to get my clients results. But by far the most successful tool I use are Kettlebells.
After being shown Kettlebells 5 years ago I have never looked back, every session will incorporate Kettlebell Exercises one way or another. Kettlebells are my main tool of choice for extreme and rapid weight loss (known as body fat loss) and huge strength gains.
I qualified as an RKC Certified Instructor and BKLF Lifting Coach in 2007. I have trained with the best instructors in the world in the field of Kettlebell Training such as; Pavel Tsatsouline, Brett Jones, Kenneth Jay, David Whitely and Steve Cotter.
The Kettlebell Training I have done with them and the knowledge I have gained from their courses and seminars have shaped how I train my clients today.
If you do not know the benefits Kettlebells, I suggest you contact me as soon as possible. Not only will you use your body like you’ve never used it before but you’ll see benefits and improvements to your health overnight.
Rapid weight loss (known as body fat loss) is one of the main benefits from regular Kettlebell Training. See my main site for more details about Kettlebell Training in North London.
A sound nutritional programme such a Metabolic Type Diet and spotting clients weaknesses such as posture, single leg instability, balance and unilateral tightness are the very first places I start when embarking on a clients programme. These can so easily be overlooked and without addressing these, all that is happening is the client is being set up for injury if ignored.
That is why after an initial consultation I take my clients through a postural and movement based assessment, to highlight any underlying problems that could hinder performance and ultimately results.

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