Archive for December, 2008

Weight Loss Results & Proof of the Pudding!

Posted: December 23, 2008 in 1

Weight Loss & Improved Lung Capacity

As the end of the years draws to a close I thought it best to inform of the remarkable progress my clients have achieved. The clients below all have made amazing progress and each client has surpassed there own expectations in the achievements they have reached.

Not only have they all increased their Kettlebell weights from starting at 8kg at their initial kettlebell introduction, but all have swung, pressed and snatched with a 12kg kettlebell for multiple reps.

The strength gains have been really fast from all the clients below.  Every individual has improved the way they use their bodies during exercise. By this I mean that to enable them to move the 12kg kettlebell there have had to recruit and activate muscles far better than they did before. This has enabled them to becoming more explosive and powerful which has got them the results this far.

Kettlebell Training Results

Kettlebells really are the choice for those that seek quick results and lasting physical improvements to there fitness. The results listed below show the improvements each client has made throughout the year. It hasn’t been an easy ride for some but the results speak for themselves.

Sarah Robson Personal Training North London

Sarah Robson Personal Training North London

Lucy Johnson Personla Training in North London

Lucy Johnson Personal Training in North London

Lucy Johnson’s Results

PeakFlow Increase 0f = 45%

Weight Loss = 21lb

Sarah Robson’s Results

Weight Loss = 7lb

Peak Flow Increase of = 28.5%

It was another great session with the Kettlebell Class at  Aviva Fund Management. This time everyone completed my infamous 330 reps Kettlebell ladder. It runs like this:

The Exercises: Snatch Left, Snatch Right, Burpees, Sit & Press, Jump Squat, Press Ups.

The exercises are performed as a circuit in the above order starting with 10 reps each and then repeating the order for 9 reps each and so on down to 1 rep of each exercise.

Here’s the results:

Richard – 21.01 mins (16kg)

Julian – 21.06 mins (12 kg)

Anna – 21.15 mins (12kg)

Sian – 22.27 mins (12kg)

Matt – 23.02 mins (12kg & 16kg)

Minna – 24.03 mins (8kg)

Geoff – 25.04 mins (12kg)

Lorenzo – 25.42 (1st time with 16kg)

Great work everyone, the goal is to get under 20 mins. See you Monday!

Why not try this at home and post your time below.

Congratulations Mark

Posted: December 1, 2008 in Uncategorized

Congratulations Mark on completing the 10min Snatch Challenge with 157 Snatches with a 16kg Kettlebell. Awesome!

I used a 16kg Kettlebell and managed 157, wasn’t sure how I’d do on it but
10 minutes seemed to go quite quickly, need to break the 200 number now!


Come on everyone leave us your results below!