Archive for November, 2008

Kettlebell Classes North London #4

Posted: November 29, 2008 in 1

Kettlebell Classes North London – KO GYM

The Kettlebell Classes here at KO Gym are really starting to hot up, with new participants every week the class is starpb294247ting to get full.

Todays Kettlebell Class was focusing on muscle endurance with each drill lasting 5min. The aim of the session was to keep in time with the instructor at all times, so all participants worked together and pushed their fitness to the limits. Some great determination was seen from all especially the ladies, as each manged almost the entire 5min of presses.

Kettlebell Classes North LondonAs the weeks have progressed at the Kettlebell Classes each participant has improved their cardiovascular output. Each can now swing their chosen Kettlebell for 8 rounds of 30sec double handed swings with 15 sec rest quite easily. Their body weight exercises and tolerance to them has been phenomenal. At the start of each class there are press up ladders to perform, which are 3-4 sets of decreasing reps. Example of this is one of the fighters ladder of 26-14-10. This is a total of 50 press ups and all 3 sets have to be finished within 2min. A final press up test will be given at the end of this course in 2 weeks time.

Keep an eye out for the results, as I’ll post every ones scores from the Kettlebell Classes soon.

Happy belling.

Kettlebell Classes North London #3

Posted: November 23, 2008 in 1

Kettlebell Classes London

Todays Class was one of the toughest yet. Each participent had to perform a maximum of 1000 reps with 5 Kettlebell Exercises each lasting 200 reps. This Strength Endurance routine is one of the hardest and demanding programmes that can be performed within a class setting. It’s a challenge I like to give my clients when they have mastered the basic moves which included these exercises: Swing, Clean, Press, Squat and Snatch.

Kettlebell Classes LondonThe participants could peform the Kettlebell Exercises in any order and as many repertitions as they wish. An example would be 20xswings then 10 Snatches and 15 Cleans.

There is no rest throughout until they have finished the 1000 reps. The dmands on the body are tremendous and can increase and promote muscular endurance and incredable strength.

I must stress that this should be used as a test only and should not be used on a regular basis. Each participant completed the programme in an impressive 45 minutes using 12kg Kettlebells