Lose Weight Fast the Natural Way

What Type are you?

Metabolic Typing is the only way to ensure fast effective weight loss that is healthy and  permanent. Contact me today to receive your Metabolic Type Test and enjoy fast weight lose but above all safely.

There are so many crash diets out there that restrict your eating and trick your body to lose a few pounds. Have you ever undertaken a ‘crash diet’ lost a few pounds, or even none at all, and then put them right back on again? Frustrating experience isn’t it?

We cannot force our bodies into something it is not ready to do. Some people embark upon drastic calorie  restriction and think they can function better throughout the day or put their bodies these horrendous liquid diets, beach diets, pills and ‘hocus pocus’. No matter how hard we try we cannot trick the body for very long. Weight will inevitably come back.

Some people do very well on crash diets, this is because they have tried every diet on the market and by luck they have stumbled upon a method that works for them. That’s exactly it, ‘THEM’. Diets are individual, as individual as a human finger print. What works for someone will not necessarily work for others. In fact it and can sometimes make others worse or even ill. Our bodies are all different we can even see that from the outside so why do we think we can have a ‘one size fits all’ method of weight loss.

The simple answer is we can’t. We need to treat ourselves and our metabolism as individuals.

So, if you want fast effective and healthy weight loss (known as fat loss) then contact me today and receive your quick questionnaire. And enjoy you body returning to it’s normal weight and increased energy and resistance to disease and allergies.

  1. Pete says:

    Hi, I would be very interested in the metabolic typing questionnaire. Many thanks.

    P.s Great blog!

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