Arnold Oborotov in Preperation

Posted: January 22, 2009 in 1

Personal Training North London

Arnold Oborotov is in preparation for another sensational Muay Thai Fight. Paul Muratt Thai Coach and myself are conditioning the young champion for his Croyden Match on April 7th 2009.Personal Trainig North London

Arnolds past success have been Southern Area Light Heavy Weight Champion 2008 82kg and his most coveted win was Rings Master Champion 2008. Arnolds task was to win all 3 fights. Amazingly due to his extremely high levels of conditioning and coaching he managed a comfortable win of 3 fights in 2 hours!!

1st opponent – KO 1min 30sec

2nd opponent – Decision

3rd opponent – Stoppage 1st round

Arnold is training 5 days a week and working specific conditioning 2 days a week. Paul Muratt, Arnold Thai Coach, works on his technique for speed and power. Sessions consist of high intense drills with concentration on specific drills or problems from previous fights.

My envolvement is functional high level conditioning, complimenting Paul’s work for power and speed. Relative drills include high basaltic intervals with Kettlebells and barbell work. Such programmes have been:

Peronal Training North LondonDouble KB Swings with Body weight exercises

Olympic Clean and Press

Romanian Deadlifts

Arnolds peak flow measures 550 L\min I will keep a close eye on his progress and will be updating his results weekly.

Fight: April 7th Croyden

Keep an eye on Arnold Oborotov there are many more good things to come from this young talent.

Weight Loss Results & Proof of the Pudding!

Posted: December 23, 2008 in 1

Weight Loss & Improved Lung Capacity

As the end of the years draws to a close I thought it best to inform of the remarkable progress my clients have achieved. The clients below all have made amazing progress and each client has surpassed there own expectations in the achievements they have reached.

Not only have they all increased their Kettlebell weights from starting at 8kg at their initial kettlebell introduction, but all have swung, pressed and snatched with a 12kg kettlebell for multiple reps.

The strength gains have been really fast from all the clients below.  Every individual has improved the way they use their bodies during exercise. By this I mean that to enable them to move the 12kg kettlebell there have had to recruit and activate muscles far better than they did before. This has enabled them to becoming more explosive and powerful which has got them the results this far.

Kettlebell Training Results

Kettlebells really are the choice for those that seek quick results and lasting physical improvements to there fitness. The results listed below show the improvements each client has made throughout the year. It hasn’t been an easy ride for some but the results speak for themselves.

Sarah Robson Personal Training North London

Sarah Robson Personal Training North London

Lucy Johnson Personla Training in North London

Lucy Johnson Personal Training in North London

Lucy Johnson’s Results

PeakFlow Increase 0f = 45%

Weight Loss = 21lb

Sarah Robson’s Results

Weight Loss = 7lb

Peak Flow Increase of = 28.5%

It was another great session with the Kettlebell Class at  Aviva Fund Management. This time everyone completed my infamous 330 reps Kettlebell ladder. It runs like this:

The Exercises: Snatch Left, Snatch Right, Burpees, Sit & Press, Jump Squat, Press Ups.

The exercises are performed as a circuit in the above order starting with 10 reps each and then repeating the order for 9 reps each and so on down to 1 rep of each exercise.

Here’s the results:

Richard – 21.01 mins (16kg)

Julian – 21.06 mins (12 kg)

Anna – 21.15 mins (12kg)

Sian – 22.27 mins (12kg)

Matt – 23.02 mins (12kg & 16kg)

Minna – 24.03 mins (8kg)

Geoff – 25.04 mins (12kg)

Lorenzo – 25.42 (1st time with 16kg)

Great work everyone, the goal is to get under 20 mins. See you Monday!

Why not try this at home and post your time below.

Congratulations Mark

Posted: December 1, 2008 in Uncategorized

Congratulations Mark on completing the 10min Snatch Challenge with 157 Snatches with a 16kg Kettlebell. Awesome!

I used a 16kg Kettlebell and managed 157, wasn’t sure how I’d do on it but
10 minutes seemed to go quite quickly, need to break the 200 number now!


Come on everyone leave us your results below!

Kettlebell Classes North London #4

Posted: November 29, 2008 in 1

Kettlebell Classes North London – KO GYM

The Kettlebell Classes here at KO Gym are really starting to hot up, with new participants every week the class is starpb294247ting to get full.

Todays Kettlebell Class was focusing on muscle endurance with each drill lasting 5min. The aim of the session was to keep in time with the instructor at all times, so all participants worked together and pushed their fitness to the limits. Some great determination was seen from all especially the ladies, as each manged almost the entire 5min of presses.

Kettlebell Classes North LondonAs the weeks have progressed at the Kettlebell Classes each participant has improved their cardiovascular output. Each can now swing their chosen Kettlebell for 8 rounds of 30sec double handed swings with 15 sec rest quite easily. Their body weight exercises and tolerance to them has been phenomenal. At the start of each class there are press up ladders to perform, which are 3-4 sets of decreasing reps. Example of this is one of the fighters ladder of 26-14-10. This is a total of 50 press ups and all 3 sets have to be finished within 2min. A final press up test will be given at the end of this course in 2 weeks time.

Keep an eye out for the results, as I’ll post every ones scores from the Kettlebell Classes soon.

Happy belling.

Kettlebell Classes North London #3

Posted: November 23, 2008 in 1

Kettlebell Classes London

Todays Class was one of the toughest yet. Each participent had to perform a maximum of 1000 reps with 5 Kettlebell Exercises each lasting 200 reps. This Strength Endurance routine is one of the hardest and demanding programmes that can be performed within a class setting. It’s a challenge I like to give my clients when they have mastered the basic moves which included these exercises: Swing, Clean, Press, Squat and Snatch.

Kettlebell Classes LondonThe participants could peform the Kettlebell Exercises in any order and as many repertitions as they wish. An example would be 20xswings then 10 Snatches and 15 Cleans.

There is no rest throughout until they have finished the 1000 reps. The dmands on the body are tremendous and can increase and promote muscular endurance and incredable strength.

I must stress that this should be used as a test only and should not be used on a regular basis. Each participant completed the programme in an impressive 45 minutes using 12kg Kettlebells

MMA Diet

Posted: October 25, 2008 in 1

Diet and nutrition are extremely important in our lives, none more so than the competing athlete. It’s true that proper nutrition plays a vital role for the athlete for better performance and recovery, but having the best training program in the world and the best conditioning protocols comes second to correctly prescribed dietary requirements.

Keeping the athletes blood sugar levels in check is a constant battle. The athletes blood sugar levels are as individual to him/her as human fingerprints.

If blood sugar levels are not kept in check then the pancreas will deliver an insulin response, resulting in lowering of the athletes blood sugar level. As a consequence this will make the athlete reach for sugary foods for satisfaction. Adipose tissue will not be utilized as fuel and storage of fat will increase. If reducing adipose tissue is the goal without reducing muscle mass then this is vital to keep in check.

If you are guilty of consuming breads and wheat based produces, you may need to start thinking about substituting them for nonstarchy foods.

Wheat is the quickest grain to enter the bloodstream. So if you are consuming wheat in large quantities, less face it wheat is in many packaged and processed foods, you may find it better to start changing your foods to whole-grain products. Whole-grain doesn’t have the fast absorption rate as wheat and can keep insulin response to a minimum.

A good idea is to consume breads made from splet flour, ezekiel or manna breads. These have the same quality’s of wheat when baking but don’t have the same effect on blood sugar levels. Remember they all get converted into sugar, but it’s the conversion rate that is important, so consume them sparingly.

Here is a recipe i use for my clients when making breads.

500g/1LB Spelt flour

1xtbsp honey

1xtbsp cold pressed virgin olive oil

pinch salt

100g Chopped raisins

1xtsp yeast

In a mixing bowel add the flour, salt, raisins and yeast. Disolve the honey in 400ml of warm water. Pour this into the bowel. Add the olive oil and knead untill all flour and ingredients are mixed together. Put into a baking tray and cover and place in a warm fan oven for approx 20min. Remove the cover and plave in an oven @ 200oc for 40-45min.

Basic Kettlebell Exercises

Posted: October 10, 2008 in 1

Basic KB Exercises

Abdominal Quest

Posted: October 7, 2008 in 1

Everybody I speak to from clients through to Personal Trainers in North London, at some time or other, want great looking abs. Well, what are ‘great looking’ abs?

Most people would agree that a 6 pack would constitute as the quintessential perfect looking abs, but are they?

Having the sort of abs your Gran could wash her draws on, aren’t necessarily great functioning abdominals. Yes, they look great and will turn any girls head but will they support you in times of need? What we really need to be concern about is the functionality of these muscles. Not the aesthetic and superficial look, but rather the muscles ability to help you perform better.

In this post I’m going to describe what are the key methods to functional abs and how to achieve them, also I’m going to set about by putting myself through an experiment to see whether some sites claims of a 6 pack in short time periods really do work.

No matter what websites you visit and books you buy there isn’t a quick way to achieve ‘wash board’ abs. The 12 week programme or equivalent that many fitness websites abdicate simply do not work and have no science or research to back up their claims. You may very well develop stronger abdominals but to achieve the kind of results they are suggesting just isn’t realistic.

As with anything in this world you have to work very hard to achieve the results seen in the media through mens magazines, TV and film. These are many months, sometimes years of work combined with a sensible nutritional programme. Remember, the people you see on the front of magazines with perfect looking abs are models. Models that have a lot of time on their hands and the money to dedicate themselves to training many times a week and to seek the very best advise. They have to acquire the so called ‘wash board’ abs to enable them to work and earn money because the general public demand this superficial look, and this is what sells magazines. Also there is not only ab work being done here, but much more behind the scenes.

Needless to say, it is very important to have strong and well developed abs but with crunches and sit ups you aren’t going to get very far. Many a time have I witnessed gym members doing countless situps on their fit ball in the vain hope that they will develop the elusive 6 pack. These exercises are great in small quantities but 100’s and 100’s a week are only going to thicken and shorten your abdominal muscles, tighten your chest and increase the risk of a lumber injury.

There are several questions that need to be addressed when starting training the abdominals.

What function do the abdominals play?

The main job of the abdominals are movement, organ and visceral protection. The abs stabilize the body from external forces and allow us to rotate. They do not, whoever, allow the body to flex forwards this is the job of gravity and the erector spine.

All 3 planes of motion?

We should be making sure we cover all planes of motion sagital, frontal and transverse with our movement. For fully functioning abs this is the key to intelligent and results based training.

Why am I isolating?

Isolation can be an effective way to train, but for many peoples lives this is simply not an appropriate way to train all the time and can be counter productive. We don’t walk like robots so why train like one. Full compound exercises are effective and both should be combined together for greater efficiency.

Isometric and stabilization?

These two methods of training the abdominals will certainly hit the spot. If you consider gymnasts physiques who have the most well built and strongest bodies of the sporting world, their abdominal training consists of both these methods.

I have researched many ab exercises over the years and none are more effective then the ones that I have collated from several sources (see below) The reason these exercises are most effective, in my opinion, is that you don’t rely on having to pull in your abdominals too consciously. Yes, you still have to brace but the very nature of the exercises contracts the abdominal complex almost involuntary. This has helped many of my clients who find it difficult to brace their abdominal wall or when it is difficult to detect if a clients has sufficient strength in these muscles due to high levels of subcutaneous fat covering this area.

So I’m going to use myself as a guinea pig and perform my abdominal exercise routine, which I’m calling ‘Renegade Abs’, every other day and at least 4 times a week to see what the results I get over a 12 week period. My first session was yesterday and I aim to train every Monday, Wednesday, Friday and Sunday.

I will take a picture of my abdominals every week and I’ll post my workouts and extra training so there is a much broader overview of the journey to ‘washboard’ abs!

Kettlebell Classes North London #2

Posted: September 30, 2008 in 1

Again, a great turn out from all members. There were a few stories of sore adductors and tight glutes and some reports of sore chest which was interesting from last session, but all in all everyone had recovered ready for another demanding Kettlebell Class.

This weeks class targeted the Single Hand Swing and Clean. As the members learnt the Double Handed Swing last week the members found this progression a breeze to adopt. Some are still having minor problems with complete hip extension but I think this is down to experience and once more sessions are under their belts this will be eradicated.

The participants started with 10 swings on each arm and placing the kettlebell on the floor between changes. Once the they were confident with their swings and I was happy with their technique we began teaching the ‘catch’ or ‘take’. This is the transfering of the Kettlebell from hand to hand without putting the Kettlebell down

stopping the flow of movement and enabling the participant to keep swinging uninterruptedly. Once confidence and technique was became second nature the members began catching every Swing. So the total number of Swings were 10 and cathes 10, this was repeated for 3 rounds with a 15 sec rest between each set.

Between exercises we began a torturous abdominal routine that the members found very tough but good all the same. Everyone likes burning Abs don’t they??!!!!

The Hang Clean was the next exercise taught ready for the Press next week. It was decided upon that the Hang Clean is easier than the Swinging Clean for begginners to master at this stage as the later requires more timing and concentration. I used what little remaning session time to dedicate perfecting the timing of the Dead/Hang Clean in readiness for next weeks recap.

Next weeks Programme

DH Swing, SH Swing, Hang Clean & Swing Clean.

Stay Strong.