Holiday Workout

Posted: September 2, 2009 in 1

Holiday Workout

Weight Loss Programe

Personal Trainer North London Weight Loss Programe

If you are going on holiday and need to keep up your training but can’t get the enthusiasm together for a trip to the gym. Then try this very quick but killer program that not only burns lots of FAT to help control weight loss, but also doesn’t leave you exhausted for the entire day afterwards.Personal Training North London Weight Loss Programe

This simple program will give you increased strength and massively help your cardiovascular conditioning. Doing this weight loss program 3x aweek will be an added bonus to your training program. It also helps break up any stale routine and adds a bit of variety and colour to your training.

The weight loss program begins with a stroke of choice, usually front crawl is the better option for most people although any stroke can be used.

Front crawl to one end of the pool. Get out and do 5 push ups. Swim back to the other end of the pool. Get out and do 10 push ups. Repeat this ladder until you reach 20 push ups and then descend the ladder taking 5 push ups every length. Until finally you reach 5 push ups to finish.

After the first set of 15 push ups your arms will be mashed. You feel it everywhere and you really start to think about stepping up your training after this simple workout.

Weight Loss Programe – Simplified

1 length Front Crawl

5 push ups

1 length Front Crawl

10 push ups

1 length Front Crawl

15 push ups

1 length Front Crawl

20 push ups

1 length Front Crawl

15 push ups

1 length Front Crawl

10 push ups

1 length Front Crawl

5 push ups

1 length Front Crawl – Finish

Simple eh? But deadly! Each length should be done as quick as possible. This work out is very simple but I love it and many of my personal training clients have done it with great results. Your imagination is the limit with this weight loss programe.


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