Virgin London Marathon April 2010

Posted: October 31, 2009 in 1

Frankly I hate running. There’s nothing I detest more than long distance running, but I firmly believe that taking yourself out of your comfort zone to experience new training methods.

As I get older I want to challenge myself more and more and I’ve always thought how I would cope running the London Marathon. Watching the superb coverage on the TV for many years, I always imagined myself finishing but never managed the courage to sign up and embark upon the grueling training.

Now it’s more of a reality than a dream as I have got a place through the North London Hospice and I’m about to start my training next week. My plan is to start with one run per week to get used to the impact upon my legs and joints and then increase my running to 2 long runs per week and 1 sprint training involving the S.I.T method.

I have enough cardiovascular fitness to cope with the run, it’s just the impact on my legs, hips and ankles that concerns me and may interfere with my kettlebell conditioning.

Well tomorrow I start day 1 so lets see how I fair.

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